Mandriva SA ha annunciato il rilascio di Mandriva Linux 2008.1, nome ufficiale “2008 Spring”: “Mandriva, the leading European Linux distributor, today announces the launch of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring, the major new release of Mandriva Linux, featuring hundreds of improvements which make for a quicker and more powerful distribution that is easier to use than ever. Changes include: a new parental control utility; the Elisa multimedia center; easy support for synchronizing many mobile devices with the GNOME and KDE environments; the Codeina framework; the PulseAudio audio framework has been adopted by default; significant improvements to the Mandriva software installation tools; customized support for the popular ASUS Eee PC; KDE 4.0.2 available in repositories”. Per maggiori informazioni si veda il resto della press release. È già possibile effettuare il download delle ISO (sia installazione che live) dai mirror ufficiali oppure utilizzando BitTorrent:
- mandriva-linux-one-2008-spring-KDE-int-cdrom-i586.iso (697MB, MD5, torrent)
- mandriva-linux-one-2008-spring-GNOME-int-cdrom-i586.iso (645MB, MD5, torrent)
Provatela e fatemi sapere.