I want to record here my last farewell to the companion of many, really many stories. Anyone who knows me knows how little I care about cars and how much – in contrast – I become deeply fond of the objects I surround myself with. Today I separate myself from this object that no longer has any value other than the priceless value of all the memories it takes away. In 9 years and 270,000 km my good old Berlingo was a car, a camper, a work tool, a shelter and an interminable series of other things that have passed away. With it are leaving me the imperceptible but indelible atoms of memories. One above all: the memory of my beloved dogs … Trudy, Zelda and the dearest Golia, who on my green van – as everyone calls him – climbed the first time when he weighed no more than 3 kg and the last – without more breath – only 5 years later, for the journey that took him to the place where he now rests.

The new car I purchased will have to go a long way before actually taking the place of this tired old friend. I do not go further, I just wanted to fix this last moment that contains infinite moments, now I stop this kind of elegiac tone that will sound excessive to anyone and return to my work.
Goodbye, my beautiful, goodbye!